Urchin Japanese
Urchin Japanese is the latest culinary hotspot from the team behind Dorian, Notting Hill Fish Shop, Tuna Fight Club and debuts in their Supermarket of Dreams location in Holland Park. With an upgraded open restaurant kitchen, multi-level wood grill and rotisserie, the killer team have hit the ground running.
It’s a deliberate shift from the sterile and conservative cues that underly the category. There is still a sense of elegance and sophistication, but with such a dynamic and passionate team, this was never about fitting in.
Expect classic dishes alongside the likes of; Orkney Scallop tempura layered with black truffle dusted with maituke powder garnished with tempura flakes, shaved ceps, ginger sauce and house Dirty Tendashi. Fresh Sea Urchin Donburi with fresh wasabi and Minina leaf.
Typography and illustration experiments: